Calman | Improve Your Image

By Douglas Weinstein
Published on: October 23, 2020

Just a quick note for those of you who have recently invested in a big screen TV. 

We have been reporting on the Technology Designer website and magazine that business in the CI channel is booming. Obviously, people being stuck at home have led to their sitting around imagining how they are going to remodel or update their digs, including those old, tired entertainment systems. So along with new networks to properly zoom around the web, large screen 4K HD TVs have been flying out the door.

Most of the top brands of TVs incorporate some form of Autocalibration software supplied by Portrait Displays via their Calman brand. Calman is the leading display calibration and is used throughout Hollywood as a reference so what the director sees on location all the way to the editing suites correctly transfers the image fidelity that goes in to today’s modern filmmaking process. Doesn’t it make sense to have your TV calibrated so you know with assurance you are watching TV and films in the same color rendition as the director intended?

Now, most TVs are pretty close as far as the basic calibration expected for a mass produced product, but no factory in the world can spend 1.5 hours calibrating every single TV. So there are variances for what comes out the box. Having an integrator swing by and calibrate your TV – ballpark price is $300 – is well worth the investment. I was trained on the Calman system last year and calibrated my own 82-inch TV and I have to say the results were quite noticeable. So just from personal experience I wanted to pass along this simple suggestion – improve your image!

Douglas Weinstein

Doug is the Editor and co-founder of the Technology Insider Group and Technology Designer Magazine. Previously, he was the Executive Director and co-founder of the Elf Foundation, a non-profit organization that created Room of Magic entertainment theaters in children's hospitals across North America.

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