Consumer Technology Association Explores the COVID-19 Crisis

By Technology Insider
Published on: August 20, 2020

Join the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)® to explore how the COVID-19 health crisis, artificial intelligence and the emergence of content as medicine are changing content discovery, production, distribution and more.

As part of CTA’s virtual Technology & Standards Fall Forum from September 21–24, hear industry experts discuss the tech trends and technologies that are transforming content and entertainment during four days of virtual panel sessions, industry meetings and interactive networking opportunities.


Event Highlights

Trends and the Impact of COVID-19 on the Technology Industry
September 21, 12–12:30 PM ET

As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to both accelerate and disrupt innovations throughout the technology sector, CTA analysts will provide an overview of current industry trends and the effects of the crisis on the technology industry.


Disruption Impact: Content Ecosystem – Production, Distribution, and Services
September 21, 2–3 PM ET

The COVID-19 outbreak has significantly disrupted the content ecosystem. This panel will explore changes taking place in content production, delivery, and new services that are being offered. Additionally, experts will provide their thoughts on the lasting effects of COVID-19 on the content ecosystem.


Using AI to Improve Content Discovery
September 22, 2–3 PM ET

The advent of audio and video streaming services has given consumers more content options than ever before. Choosing from this infinite pool of choices is getting easier thanks to artificial intelligence (AI). Explore ways AI is being used to improve content discovery and how it is changing the business models for these services.


Networking Event: Fall Forum Distantly Social Trivia
September 22, 5–6:30 PM ET
We encourage you to register early — this event has limited space.

Fall Forum Distantly Social Trivia is the online trivia game that entertains and raises money for those who need support during the COVID-19 pandemic via World Central Kitchen. Team up with your fellow virtual forum attendees to answer trivia-style questions over five rounds and have fun connecting with new and old industry friends.

All participants’ donations will go directly to World Central Kitchen. Donate now.


Digital Therapeutics: The Emergence of Technology and Content as Medicine
September 24, 1–2 PM ET

Digital therapeutics is an emerging field that uses tech solutions in conjunction with, or sometimes in place of, traditional pharmaceutical interventions. Industry experts on the frontlines of this new digital health revolution will delve deeper into the science, application and opportunity for the use of content as a digital therapeutic.




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